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Early Childhood Work Environment Survey (ECWES) Assessments


The Early Childhood Work Environment Survey (ECWES) helps you assess the organizational climate of your early childhood program. The resulting Work Environment Profile summarizes staff perceptions about different organizational practices and can serve as a springboard for creating a great place to work. Since the ECWES was developed in 1985, more than 40,000 early childhood practitioners working in 3,500 programs have completed the survey and received their summary profile.


You need a minimum of 5 surveys for each site conducting an organizational climate assessment. Unused surveys may not be returned for credit. Complete and submit the order form.

Once your payment has been verified, you will be e-mailed a registration form asking for the name of the center(s), a contact person for each center, the number of surveys designated for each site, and the name and e-mail of the individual to whom the summary Work Environment Profile should be sent.

When registration is complete, the designated contact for each center will be sent a Center Background Information Form to complete and an ECWES link to distribute to staff.